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The brainstorming started with deciding what the app is going to be about. After some time browsing and looking for inspiration, I’ve decided to make the mockup about a clothing brand, after some time I’ve decided it would be a good idea to make the app about sports wear focusing on sports bras, leggings and etc.
After spending way too much time looking for a name I decided to put random letters in my phone and see if it would help and after couple tries, it did. Letters I used got autocorrected into “Verna” and I liked it.
I did not have any plan of how the mockup would generally look, I decided to just start building it and see what happens and how it will turn out.
I decided that the material covered during lectures was not enough for me and decided to go on YouTube and watch some beginner tutorials on Adobe XD. I also missed some parts of the lecture since it was sometimes hard to follow up with the instructor so I decided to also briefly watch recorded lectures.
Firstly, I started working on the mood board to have a better idea of what color to use and decide on font.
After mood board, I moved on to logo. Making it very simple.
While watching YouTube tutorials I found some inspiration for the home page banner and also while searching for name, ive came across some existing app and really liked their layout of the gallery so I decided to use similar concept.
The rest of the mockup was pretty easy to make since I already had an idea of how everything supposed to look